28 Days of Self Love and Personal Empowerment

Feb 01, 2017


I have really been enjoying my weekly blogs and videos, but I got a little sidetracked and overwhelmed with my last post.  I probably shouldn't have ventured into the political arena knowing that tensions are high, but I thought it would be safe in context of open-mindedness and acceptance.

It turns out I was wrong.  I was still trolled and contempleted removing my post and video but realized that would defeat the purpose with which I created it.  So, I left it up and took a little break from social media and my blog.

In order to get myself back in the game and shift my social media focus, I am going to share a daily challenge on Facebook every day for the month of February, so please head over to my Facebook page to check them out (they will all be archived) and be sure to keep an eye out for fresh written content starting again in March.


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