
I'm so glad you found my little spot on the Internet and I hope you enjoy the first steps of this this stellar journey into wellness and empowerment.  This site is currently under construction, so be sure to check back soon for some exciting offers and updates!    

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This is Hard and I'm Tired: A Brief Guide for Overwhelmed Educators

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A little bit about me.

After more than a decade of working with teens and teachers in a wide variety of contexts, I have learned that wellness is the key to success in and out of the classroom.

I have also learned that empowerment is the key to wellness, so I have chosen to devote my career to teaching and sharing tools that lead to empowerment and wellness in mind, body, and spirit.

I Wasn't Expecting the Tupperware

Jul 17, 2024

What I Found on the Other Side of Fear

Jul 12, 2024

Certified Heroic Coach

May 20, 2024

Obstacles Make Me Stronger

May 19, 2024

Be Yourself

Reconnect to your core beliefs and remember your why.

Be Awesome

Find out what is possible when you embrace authenticity and allow yourself to be excited about learning.

Be the Change

Join the education revolution that brings everyone back to the heart of learning.

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