Choose Love

Dec 14, 2016

On this day four years ago I was holding my 17 month old in my arms as I watched the news about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. There are no words to describe the emotions I felt and still feel as a teacher and as a mom but my perception definitely shifted and I learned and grew so much as I committed to finding ways to support kindness, compassion, and positivity in and out of the classroom.
My very first blog was born as a reaction to my desire to send hope and love to the Sandy Hook community so for my blog this week, I want to honor the 26 lives lost by encouraging everyone who sees this post to send hope and love to the families and everyone impacted by the tragedy.
I also encourage you to hug your loved ones a little tighter, acknowledge your blessings, and choose love.
People always say that “everything happens for a reason” and I’m not sure how I feel about that in terms of a senseless tragedy of this magnitude, but I do believe that there is always something that we can learn from every challenge, even when they are traumatic challenges that change everything.
I learned a lot from the Sandy Hook shooting. I realized that I never wanted to take anyone or anything for granted, I learned that my purpose in life is to support teachers and students socially and emotionally, and most importantly I learned to "Choose Love".
I learned about the power of choosing love from a mom who lost her son on that winter day four years ago and I am forever grateful that Scarlett Lewis had the courage to forgive the shooter and to share her son’s message of "Nurturing Healing Love" with the world.
In honor of her incredible spirit and in memory of her little boy, Jesse, who was only a year older than Ian when his life was taken, I encourage each and every one of you to check out the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation and their Choose Love Enrichment program that serves to teach students of all ages the formula for choosing love:
Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love

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